metal cladding performance

Metal is a common cladding material in large part due to its resilience. A metal building envelope may help a project live years or even decades longer than it would have if the correct material were paired with thoughtful finishing. To make the most of metal’s advantages in a project, you need to consider metal cladding performance aspects. These are:

Durability: Metal cladding prevents weathering and deterioration, enabling a structure to last longer. Its superior strength also helps protect against impacts such as hail storms or accidental damage.

Fire Resistance: Metal buildings are more resistant to fire than other materials, helping reduce the risk of catastrophic loss in the event of an emergency.

Thermal insulation: Metal’s thermal properties help maintain comfortable temperatures, reducing energy costs and optimizing comfort in the building.

Weatherproofing: Metal cladding is durable enough to withstand extreme weather conditions like snow, rain, high winds, and UV rays. This helps protect against water infiltration and other weather-related damage.

Acoustic insulation: The right kind of metal cladding can provide sound insulation, reducing ambient noise and creating a quieter environment.

Environmental factors: Metal cladding is environmentally friendly due to its recyclability and lower energy consumption during production. This helps reduce your project’s carbon footprint and can help with green initiatives.

Wind Action: Metal cladding is resistant to wind action and can provide additional strength and stability in high winds. This helps protect against damage caused by extreme weather conditions.

Expansion & Contraction: Metal’s low coefficient of thermal expansion and contraction helps improve the building’s structural integrity, avoiding cracks or buckling. 

Versatility: Metal is available in a range of colours and finishes, making it easy to customize the look and feel of your building envelope. It can also be used for interior and exterior surfaces for added flexibility.

JAHS Glory commits to providing quality work for each metal cladding project. We’ve lined up experienced professionals who value real craft, and we don’t rush as we take every step to get the job done right. We make sure each metal cladding project we do in Auckland lives up to everyone’s expectations.

If you’re interested in finding out more about steel roofing or wall cladding for any commercial or residential properties, you can book a call here or drop us a message via

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